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  • We have reason to believe that Bella is still on the streets. Worse, Bella is not available at the moment, leading us to believe that Bella has still not found a home.
    • Eight minutes into the meeting, Bella joins, complaining about the bad internet. He mentions he is still on the streets (this may contribute to the bad internet factor).
  • Chris made Mina leave with his repeated comments about Bella being homeless, reminding Mina of the growing unemployment rate within the DevOps team. As head of HR she cannot further support this matter.
  • About #139, Bella mentions that online websites may cover the same need that we have, but it may not be really useful for having it as a command.
    • Chris adds that "if someone wants to do it, I don't mind" and "I don't think it would be very useful for a command, but I think it would be fun to learn for someone implementing it". As long as whoever is implementing is is aware that it would not be used too much, it would be fine.
  • No progress on the hugo front
  • Our email service with workers will be forward only
    • With postfix you will be able to reply. Joe wants to have an excuse to play with Cloudflare workers though.
  • 50 open pull requests from dependabot
    • Tip from The Man: press ^D to make a bookmark in your browser
    • "Those can just be blindly merged" - Chris
  • Grouping of dependencies: Dependabot now allows you to group together multiple dependency updates into a single pull request.
    • Possible approaches suggested: Group all the docker updates together, group any linting dependencies together (would just require a big RegEx). Dependabot natively works with its own dependency groups here (e.g. Docker, Pip).
  • Mr. Hemlock wants to raise his roof: It's his project for this Autumn. We, the team, are looking forward to his project - especially Bella, who is currently looking for housing. "It's all coming together", said Chris to the situation.