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LDAP & Discord

This document describes the process of bootstrapping users into our LDAP server via Discord. The creation of accounts is entirely automated and controlled by King Arthur.


  1. A user gains a role in Discord that requires LDAP access.
  2. King Arthur detects this role change and notifies the user to start the bootstrapping process.
  3. The user visits the #ldap channel and clicks the generate button, they are issued with a temporary password.
  4. The user logs into Keycloak using their issued address and the temporary password.
  5. The user is prompted to change their password and update their profile, including email forwarding preferences.

As a sequence diagram, the process looks something like this:

    actor U as User
    participant KA as King Arthur
    participant KC as Keycloak
    participant FIPA as FreeIPA

    U->>KA: Gains LDAP enrolled role
    KA->>U: Notifies user
    U->>KA: Clicks generate in LDAP channel
    KA->>FIPA: Creates user with temporary password
    KA->>U: Issues temporary password
    U->>KC: Logs in
    KC->>U: Prompts for password change
    U->>KC: Changes password
    U->>KC: Updates profile
    KC->>FIPA: Updates user

Self-Service Password Reset

Users can reset their LDAP password at any time by visiting the #ldap channel in Discord and clicking the reset button. This will issue them with a new temporary password in the same way the bootstrapping process does.

Continuous Synchronization

King Arthur continuously synchronizes user data between Discord and LDAP. This adds and removes users from group memberships as necessary.

If a user no longer has a role which requires LDAP access, King Arthur will deactivate their LDAP account.

The LDAP synchronization process runs every 10 minutes, or whenever a role change is detected on a staff account.

You can view what King Arthur is attempting to synchronize by running the M-x ldap sync command, which will return a diff of users to add, remove, or update.