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Joe, Fredrick, Chris, Johannes, Bella (in poltergeist form)


Attempted redeployment of mboxes as maildirs

  • It begins with Joe updating the postfix configuration file to cause it to write into maildir files (by suffixing the destination with a /).

  • We then try to convert existing mailbox files using the md2md tool, originally within the /var/mail directory. This does not go very well.

  • Joe copies the files to his home directory and tries to convert it there, which does not work either.

  • Joe's [REDACTED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE] walks in and asks Joe a question

    • Joe's screen showcases "Microphone muted".

    • Joe says "Yeah, I'm muted now".

    • The conversation is perfectly audible. Chris and Johannes begin to emit a subtle smile.

    • Joe says some form of British goodbye that I cannot transcribe here.

    • Joe's screen showcases "Microphone unmuted".

    • Johannes bursts into laughter.

    • Joe asks "What?"

    • Johannes keeps laughing. The smile on Chris' face grows.

    • Joe gets even more confused.

    • Chris' smile keeps growing. Fredrick, who normally tries his best to act like a sunglass-wearing robot, also has to start smiling. Joe starts smiling as well.

    • Johannes and Chris explain it to Joe. Chris explains the technicalities of why Joe was not muted properly.

      • SIGINT team suggests monitoring Chris carefully, given that he knows precisely how to make microphone mute functions cease to work.
    • After audible gears can be heard to turn in Fredrick's head, he ceases to smile.

  • A minute passes in the United Kingdom. 60 seconds pass in Germany.

  • The team remembers that they wanted to migrate mailboxes.

    • The last attempt in Joe's home directory did not work.
  • Unfortunately all of the four fully grown software engineers on call are incapable of reading and understanding a manual page.

  • Joe opens the Dovecot website and starts planting seeds of thought through his (now unmuted) microphone.

  • Johannes, taking heavy inspiration from Fredrick, takes 10 seconds to process what Joe is suggesting.

    • Joe asks a bunch of questions on Dovecot. Johannes answers. Chris browses car pictures.
  • Bella blasts in (because of his explosive personality). The team is shocked by this, as it was known that Bella was currently on his anti-celibacy trip and thus his Brothers From Another Mother were not on the priority list.

  • Bella's [REDACTED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE] is briefly seen in the background. Bella is quick to state that he has to leave.

  • Disappointment fills the chat, we are still only Bella's sidechick.

  • Joe and Johannes discuss Dovecot and realize that it is probably a too complicated solution. Chris is still browsing car pictures. Judging by the reflection in Fredrick's sunglasses, he appears to be staring at a white screen.

  • The team gives up on maildirs and decides that mbox format is probably good enough.